Churchdown Surgery Announcement

Churchdown Surgery will be changing clinical systems from the 1st October. Please read the following on how this may have an impact on the service we provide.

Please give plenty of notice in ordering your prescriptions, before the practice goes live on the 1st October. We recommend that if you are likely to run out of your medication(s) before the middle of October, please request this no later than Friday 15th September.

1st October
There will be a delay in pathology results the week before and any result from the hospital that requires urgent attention will be faxed to us directly. Please be patient with us if you are awaiting a result around this time.

Please note that Patient Services will be unavailable from the 1st October for booking appointments, ordering medication(s) etc. until we migrate to our new clinical system. We will update you when the new service is available.

4th October
On Wednesday 4th October clinicians will not be running a routine surgery. Instead it will be replaced with a minimal urgent care service. Please check regularly on our practice website, to see any new changes to our opening and closure times.

10th October
This is our go live day and we will have the new clinical system added on all our computers. The practice will open at 10am instead of the usual 8am start, this is because an engineer will be on site setting up the computers for all of our staff to ensure normal surgery can resume. We will also be running a minimal urgent care system the week commencing 10th October.

We would like to thank you for your patience through our transition.