Tom Kerridge opens Churchdown Village Junior School’s new cookery room

Excited children welcomed chef Tom Kerridge to their new cookery room.

Staff, pupils and parents at Churchdown Village Junior School have transformed an unused storage room into a kitchen space.

Tom, who will appear at the Literature Festival in Cheltenham, officially opened the room at the grand ceremony this afternoon.

He said: “There was a lot of excitement among the children. The best thing about cooking is, it is practical and tactile. You learn where things come from, so it brings geography into it, as well as maths and science because the children here grow their own herbs.

“There is an end result to cooking, the children can eat it and take it home to show their parents.

“In cooking everyone makes mistakes, we do in professional kitchens, its about learning. They will learn skills that will come in use for when they go to university.”

The kitchen will be used to deliver food preparation and cookery skills. It will be used to educate pupils about healthy eating.

The facility will enable all pupils to get cooking as part of the government’s new drive to deliver cookery at Key Stage 2.