MySchools December 16

Parton Manor Infants

We will be holding an open day for the school and the pre-school on Wednesday 9th November. Please come along and see us in action between 9.30am and 10.30am, also 1.30pm and 2.30pm, or 5.00pm and 6.00pm. You will be most welcome.

Last month our school council were lucky enough to be invited to visit London and have a look around Parliament.  They learnt all about the State Opening of Parliament and visited the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They also walked up to Downing Street to see where the Prime Minister works. They particularly liked hearing Big Ben strike 12noon. This term we continue our topic of Up, up and away with Year One visiting Gloucestershire airport.

Churchdown School

Churchdown pupil nominated for prestigious award
The Heart of Gloucestershire Awards showcase the very best people in our wonderful county.Now in its tenth year the event continues to go from strength by celebrating the people who make a real difference to lives of others in Gloucestershire. From people who show selfless dedication to caring for others to those who commit incredible acts of bravery, these awards are a chance to recognise those unsung heroes who live in our community. This year categories include: Caring Hero, Environmental Hero, Hero in the Community, Public Sector Hero and Community Project. We are delighted that Kieran Bateman, a student of ours in Year 13, currently applying to Oxford University, has made the finals of the young carer of the year award. Kieran is an exceptional young man, balancing his studies whilst caring for his mother who suffers from a rare illness.

Chosen Hill School

Busy, exciting and successful times at Chosen Hill. A visit by a group of international teachers neatly sums up the community spirit “this is a fantastic school; the pupils’ behaviour was exemplary … the school has such a great atmosphere”. Large numbers of parents have attended our Open Evening in October, with evening tours led by several hundred student volunteers. and visits on Open Days to see the school in action. We are currently carrying out a parent survey and partly in response to previous ones there have been additional year specific Information events including several Positive Mind-set’ parent workshops which address learning attitudes and dispositions, as well as learning content. The Sixth Form have been busy in various ways. Our debating team has taken part successfully in a series of local events and achieved highly commended in an engineering debate at Techiquest in Cardiff. Our brilliant Sixth Form House captains organised a huge House Music competition across the whole school – every lunchtime and after school session echoed with rehearsals and after a day of competing Masefield emerged as winners. Another group of Year 8/9 students won a place at the UK Space Agency Conference at Portsmouth University – and even got to shake hands with Tim Peake, British astronaut! Sporting achievements are again extensive, with our netball teams continuing to succeed at all levels and progressing through to further rounds of competition. Our senior squad has again gone through to the regional levels of the national finals.