Last chance to have your say on plans for 1,500 homes in Churchdown

Anger is still brewing in Churchdown over plans for 1,500 new homes.

The controversial Joint Core Strategy – the county’s housing blueprint which sets out plans for 33,000 new homes – goes to an independent planning inspector for review next month.

It includes plans for 1,584 homes across two green belt sites in Churchdown and 3,000 homes in nearby Innsworth.

Campaigners are encouraging others to co-sign a formal submission to the planning inspector to voice their objections.

Isabel Fielden, from Save Gloucestershire Green Belt, said: “The UK needs more homes and we recognise the need for housing developments and the benefits of economic growth.

“However, the plans must be properly developed and resourced, and new housing must be in keeping with the local communities and it seems we are taking more than our fair share of the pain.

“So developments in Churchdown and Innsworth should be proportionate.

“The destruction of so much green belt land is unnecessary and unjustified when so many brown field and non-green belt sites have not been considered.”

The two proposed sites in Churchdown are the land from Dancey Road, near Cheltenham Road East, through to the Elmbridge Court roundabout, and land from Westover Court, off Parton Road, right across to the Golden Valley bypass.

Objections include increased congestion on the roads, oversubscription of schools and medial services, decreasing house prices in the Churchdown area, increased risk of flooding, no clear plan for increased utilities such as water and electric and building work lasting up to 10 years.

Residents are particularly concerned that the approval of the JCS will lead to further development in the area that could eventually join Churchdown to Gloucester and Longlevens.

Dr Colin Baker, research fellow at the University of Gloucestershire, is supporting Save Gloucestershire Green Belt.

He said: “As a recent first time buyer it has been incredibly hard to find somewhere affordable to live but “I don’t think the JCS provides any answers.

“We need to rethink our approach to housing development. We need more fuel efficient factory-built houses built with communities in mind, not outright profit.

“We need to think about new and existing communities and that means building schools, doctors’ surgeries and transport links that encourage other forms of transport than just cars.

“It is counterintuitive to build on green belt land which is there to largely to prevent urban sprawl and coalescence.”

Save Gloucestershire Green Belt is looking for experts in English Heritage, environmental, flooding, transport systems, green belt policy and infrastructure to help with their campaign.

For more information and to co-sign the formal submission contact Isabel Fielden on