Heather Frost – It Was Only Temporary

Mum of-11 Heather Frost, who is having a six-bedroom taxpayer-funded “mansion” built, says her current pad was only ever “temporary”.

It also emerged yesterday that while living on benefits she splashed out on a horse last year.

She pays £200 in paddock fees, food and vets bills every month for the grey mare called Annie, which is kept a mile from her home.

The jobless Churchdown mum lives in two council houses knocked together, with her children, aged between two and 22.

But Heather said yesterday – This house was only ever temporary accommodation until my new house is built.

Tewkesbury Borough Council sold land in Tewkesbury for a knock-down price of £210,000 to Severn Vale Housing, which is building the eco-friendly home. Heather’s move hit the headlines around the world after The story on Monday. A taxpayer group called the “custom-built mansion” a “scandal”.

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Responding to the national outcry, the 36-year-old said: “I’m keeping low from now on.”

Her new 1,850 sq ft home will boast three bathrooms, a 355 sq ft kitchen and is being specially designed to cut her energy bills.

She forks out for two electricity and two gas bills at her home in Innsworth Lane, a situation she says is a “nightmare”.

Council bosses admit the move has been planned for five years. She will move in during July.

Verna Green, director of community at the council, said:
We have a duty to provide suitable accommodation for people with a threat of homelessness. Back in 2007, Heather approached us to say that she couldn’t stay at the private property where she was. We felt this was an innovative solution. The plan was always to build a house. It is a great opportunity to provide what she needs.”

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