Churchdown surgery plans approved

Churchdown is finally set to get its own ‘much-needed’ surgery after plans were approved.

The development was passed by Tewkesbury Borough Council with the surgery expected to be up and running within a matter of months.

It will be located in Parton Road, next to the community centre, and will have 10 consulting rooms.

Andy Marshall, Planning Director at Brackley Investments – Dr Halliday & Partners’ development partner, said: “We are very pleased that Tewkesbury Borough Council approved the new Churchdown Surgery at the first time of asking.

“This takes us a great step forward and enables us to start building the much – needed new facility for the patients early in the New Year.”

A date has not been given for work to start on the site but it expected to be open early in the New Year.

Martin and Jane Fry commented on the application, they said: “Churchdown surgery is currently serving a population rapidly approaching double that which it was designed for and is likely to exceed even this with the further housing planned for the area.

“The team at the surgery currently provide a very high quality service in spite of the cramped, inadequate building in which they work.”

The plans proved very popular with 148 comments made by the public with 118 of those in favour of the application.

The couple added: “The new facilities will enable them to provide a full range of primary care services for their growing number of patients.

“The proposed new surgery will benefit all patients with its purpose built facilities for patients with disabilities, the elderly and those bringing young children, all of whom must find the current premises difficult to access easily.”

There is currently a surgery in St Johns Avenue which is not big enough to support the growing population.

Jack Williams, Gloucestershire County Councillor (Lib, Churchdown), said: “I am very pleased that this application has gone through as the other surgery has been outgrown.

“It will be really good to have a new surgery in this location with improved parking and facilities.”

There will also be a pharmacy on site next to the surgery.

Mr Williams added: “It is a great asset for the village to have this new surgery.

“Churchdown already has a wide catchment area and this will help those people receive better treatment.”

Written By Ellis Lane | Gloucestershire Live –