Churchdown Residents say Slow Down

A number of roads in Churchdown have been highlighted as speeding hotspots and a recent Community Speed watch conducted by Churchdown Parish Council has show these concerns. The areas highlighted by the group that are the biggest concern are Brookfield road, Drews Court, Pirton Lane, Cheltenham Road East, Innsworth Lane, Station Road and Parton Road. The Residents who attended were positive in their approach to speeding they wanted to see motorists that are caught speeding fined not cautioned.

“Speeding is a huge concern to a large number of Churchdown residents that have contacted me” said Cllr Jack Williams, “With the speed that some of these inconsiderate drivers are doing it won’t be long before someone suffers a serious injury or worse. It was only in 2013 that we unfortunately saw an elderly lady killed on a Zebra crossing on Cheltenham Road East, we need to do whatever we can to prevent another tragic accident like that happening in Churchdown ”

Following the action group’s first meeting on Wednesday 20th July, which was organised by Cllr Jack Williams at the GL3 Community Hub, they have decided to focus their campaign on 3 key issues. Signage,  enforcement and education. Churchdown has areas with both 20Mph and 30Mph speed limits which the group feel are largely ignored.

Cllr Jack Williams added “ We have recently seen new Vehicle Activated Signs installed in some parts of the village but more still needs to be done to ensure the safety of road users and pedestrians. I was amazed out how many people turned out to our first meeting. Working together I feel we can use our united voice to persuade the local police and Gloucestershire County Council to take the action needed to improve the situation”

The group are planning to conduct further speed surveys and will  shortly be contacting the various local authorities to invite representatives to their next meeting.