On 18th January 1965 a Public Meeting was held, instigated by the Parish Council, to consider the need for a Community Association. The enthusiastic gathering not only agreed to form a Community Association but also to aim to build a Centre. Over the next ten years, Group activities took place in schools and dances were held in local venues to raise funds for the project; money was also raised by donations and a shilling (5p) a week collections.
By 1970, the Association had bought the land, now occupied by the Centre and car park. When capital monies from County and Government were not forthcoming, the ambitious plans for an extensive Centre with a Swimming Pool were scrapped and a much more modest Centre proposed. This was the first part of the present building with a hall and a small lounge with a bar.
Many problems almost defeated the project, but with dedicated hard work by volunteers, the Centre finally opened in 1975. Although modest, it was magic for members to have their own Centre for the many groups such as the Male Voice Choir, Art Group and Pre-school Playgroup to meet, and for fund raising events and dances to be held. For years, many volunteers worked in the bar and carried out other duties. Since then, the Association has prospered and the building has been extended many times to become the Centre that it is today.
This year, on Saturday, 6th June, the Association plans to celebrate its 50 years and to include an exhibition recalling its history. Whilst we do have some records, it would be very helpful if anyone having items of interest or photographs of fundraising events during the last 50 years could contact the CCA office in Parton Road, telephone 01452 712553. Alternatively please contact either Derek Fisher ( 713056) or Richard Smith ( 713503) who will be organising the exhibition.