Brockworth Parish Councillors have approved the closure of Brockworth Road for 6 months during 2019.
Work is due to start in May until October 2019. The closure is in addition to the works due to commence for 1 month on 8th April.
MyChurchdown understands the closure is for the Taylor Wimpey Perrybrook development which consists of 1,500 new homes over 7 phases.
The road closure is required for the installation of a new roundabout on Court Road, Footpath and other associated works.
The overall Perrybrook development covers an area of approximately 77 hectares and comprises mainly of open land, farms and orchards.
Taylor Wimpey has acquired two land parcels at Perrybrook for the development of 240 new homes which will form part of the wider consented Development.
Outline planning permission was granted in March 2016 for up to 1500 residential dwellings including extra care housing, community facilities, local retail shops, employment uses, health facilities and formal, informal public open space.
The area shaded in red provides a site boundary for land within Taylor Wimpey’s ownership.
The development comprises the following key elements:
- Part of a wider development of up to 1500 new homes
- Approximately 33% affordable housing
- A mix of property types to suit first-time buyers, families and people looking to downsize.
- Large areas of public open space and on site children’s play areas
- A total of two vehicle access points to the site from Court Road to the West and from the south at Mill Lane.