ST. JOHN’S PLAYERS present ‘AT THE SIGN OF THE CRIPPLED HARLEQUIN’ 14th – 18th November 7.30pm £8.00 Concessions £7.00 Box Office 01452 857371
The play is perfect for a cold November evening taking place in a small period guest house, in the Peak District, just before Christmas. It’s snowing heavily and the house is pretty much cut off from the rest of the world.
It revolves around the comings and goings of the owners and guests, as one by one, some of the guests find themselves no longer of this world. Fingers are pointed all over the place as historic ghosts, mistaken identities and subplots intertwine, finally coming together towards the end of act 2.
Keith Swinford, is making his debut as a director with SJP having joined us eighteen months: though he has been treading the boards and directing with other groups for over thirty years.
If you would like to have more information about St. John’s Players, or wish to be involved in some way, either by acting; helping backstage or just be willing to sell programmes and help with serving tea & coffee during the interval, then please consider joining us as a member or associate member.
This will enable you to receive newsletters to keep you informed of our productions and social events. If interested in any aspects of St John’s Players, then please do get in touch by ringing the following number or emailing the secretary. St. John’s Players – 01452 713952